Blog Posts

When to Consider Getting an Energy Management System

When to Consider Getting an Energy Management System

Throughout the year, both residential and commercial buildings consume large amounts of energy, some of which may be used inefficiently. EMS provides a solution to energy inefficiency, providing users with information about their energy consumption, and allowing you to easily monitor and improve the energy consumption in your home.

Can Your Electrical System Support an EV Charger?

Can Your Electrical System Support an EV Charger?

For most electric vehicle owners, installing a home charging station is an essential step which can save time and money. In order to charge your electric vehicle at home, it’s important to determine whether your home electrical system can support an EV charger, and whether you should invest in a system upgrade.

What Is Bi-Directional Charging, and How Can It Benefit EV Owners?

What Is Bi-Directional Charging, and How Can It Benefit EV Owners?

Introducing the future of electric vehicle charging — bi-directional charging. Bi-directional charging is a brand new type of battery-storage technology which has been gaining popularity as more vehicle manufacturers such as Nissan and Mitsubishi have begun releasing new vehicles with bi-directional capabilities.

What You Need to Know About Charging Your Electric Vehicle at Home

What You Need to Know About Charging Your Electric Vehicle at Home

Over the past year, the demand for zero-emission vehicles has skyrocketed, and major manufacturers such as Volkswagen, Toyota and Tesla are eager to meet the demand. Soaring gas prices and increased maintenance costs have provided a greater incentive for more and more Canadians to make the switch to electric vehicles…

Tips for Hanging Your Christmas Lights Outdoors

Tips for Hanging Your Christmas Lights Outdoors

Christmas season is here and what better way to spread Christmas spirit than to decorate the outside of your home with Christmas lights! If this is your first-time hanging Christmas lights or you want to learn how you can have the best Christmas lights decorations in...

Stay Safe This Christmas: Check Your Tree Lights!

Stay Safe This Christmas: Check Your Tree Lights!

The weather is once again cold, snowflakes are falling, and the radio is playing Mariah Carey’s “All I want for Christmas is You”, it’s official: Christmas season is upon us!   Decorating your home with festive décor is a great way to cultivate the Christmas spirit....

This Winter Be Prepared For Any Power Outage

This Winter Be Prepared For Any Power Outage

In 2013 the City of Toronto was hit with a massive ice storm that left the city looking like a magical winter wonderland. The thick layer of ice caused trees, and powerlines to fall and left more than 400,000 Ontario residents without any power. Many residents had to...

What You Need to Know About Electric Vehicle Charging in a Condo

What You Need to Know About Electric Vehicle Charging in a Condo

From installation to use, the experience of electric vehicle charging in a condo can differ greatly from charging in a residential house. Find out how, and what you can do if you’re looking to have an electric vehicle charger installed into your condo unit.

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