Lighting Retrofit, Oakville

Retrofitting lighting in commercial properties is a cost-effective way to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy costs. It can also improve lighting quality and contribute to a business's sustainability goals.
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Lighting Retrofit, Oakville

Are you tired of high energy bills and dim, outdated lighting in your commercial property? It’s time to make a change and upgrade your lighting with a retrofit.

Not only will a retrofit significantly reduce your energy costs, but it will also improve the overall look and feel of your property. LED lights provide brighter, more inviting spaces, which can increase property value and attract new customers/tenants in retail spaces. Plus, with the long lifespan of LED lights, you’ll have less maintenance and replacement costs.

But the benefits don’t stop there. Retrofitting your lighting can also qualify you for rebates and incentives from local utility companies, and it’s an environmentally-friendly choice. By reducing your energy consumption and carbon footprint, you’ll be doing your part to support a more sustainable future.

Don’t wait any longer to see the benefits for yourself. Upgrade your commercial property’s lighting with a retrofit and start saving money and energy today. Contact MADE ELECTRIC today to schedule a consultation and see how retrofitting your lighting can benefit your commercial property. Our team operates within Oakville and the GTA, and we are committed to helping meet all of your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much does it cost to retrofit lighting in a commercial property?

The cost of retrofitting lighting in a commercial property will depend on the size of the space, the type of lighting being replaced, and the type of lighting being installed. In general, the cost can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.

Will I need to disrupt my business operations during the retrofit?

The disruption to business operations during a lighting retrofit will depend on the size of the space and the extent of the work being done. In some cases, it may be necessary to temporarily close the business or limit access to certain areas during the retrofit.

Are there any incentives or financing options available for lighting retrofits?

Many utilities and local governments offer incentives or financing options to encourage businesses to upgrade to more energy-efficient lighting systems. It may be worth looking into these options to help offset the cost of the retrofit.

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